There are many benefits to music and how it can affect our lives. Today we will discuss how music can impact our emotions.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.
Many studies have been conducted on how music can affect our emotions, moods, and bodies. They have found that music can actually change the brain and listening to music releases neurochemicals in the brain.
Studies have found that the brain releases different neurochemicals when listening to music. Dopamine, which is a hormone that is associated with our pleasure and reward center, makes it feel enjoyable to listen to music. Serotonin and other hormones that are related to our immune system can also be released by music, as well as oxytocin, a chemical that fosters connection with others.
Think about lullabies you sing when bonding with your child, love songs when you’re falling in love, or the music that plays at your favorite concerts, where you go to enjoy music with others. Anthems, chants, and hymns are some other examples of how we show united feelings about something. Feeling connected to others is a great way to boost our emotions and help combat loneliness and sadness.
By choosing certain types of music to listen to, we can affect the mood we have. Choosing light, happy songs can help us feel better. Choosing songs with a good steady beat can help us work harder during a workout, or help motivate us to get some work done. Classical music has been shown as a great way to relax and relieve stress.
Choosing different kinds of music can affect you in many ways, like if you’re looking to get yourself in a better mood, or fire yourself up for a workout or project. You can also indulge in some sad, melancholy songs when you’re feeling low. The important thing is to remember to balance it out and find ways to support your emotions and stay relaxed.
Thank you for being curious about how music can be part of a healthy lifestyle! I hope you enjoyed learning how music can impact your mood, and that this gets you thinking about how music lessons could be helpful for your child’s health. Don’t forget to share this with a friend! See you next week.
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