Music and Bonding with Your Child

We all want a good relationship with our children. We want our children to know that we care about them and are there for them. Spending time with your child doing something fun can help strengthen your bond and help them build skills they’re going to need as they grow.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, ...

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What is the Suzuki Philosophy

If you’ve been thinking about violin lessons for your child, it’s possible that you’ve heard about the Suzuki method, but aren’t quite sure what it means, or if it would be the right method for your child. Today I want to explain the basic tenets of the Suzuki method so you can fully grasp what it’s all about!


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play th...

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How can the violin help my child’s confidence

We all want our children to have good self-esteem. We want them to feel like they are capable of doing things and succeeding. Learning to play an instrument, the violin specifically can help your child achieve better confidence and give them a sense of achievement.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learn...

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4 Ways to Make Your Child’s Violin Practice More Effective

One of the biggest struggles, when your child is learning a new instrument, is practice time. Sitting down to try to work through scales or a new piece of music can seem daunting and uninspiring. But, practicing doesn’t have to be boring and long or make them feel like they aren’t getting anywhere.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, wh...

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Neuroplasticity and the Violin

Neuroplasticity and the Violin


We all want our kids to succeed and be good students. Learning to play an instrument, especially the violin is a great way to help them learn skills that will help them in school, and later in life as adults. Learning to play the violin has an impact on kids’ brains and boosts their memory.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children l...

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3 Ways to Escape a Violin Practice Rut

As I mentioned before, it can be very easy for your child to get bogged down when practice becomes the same thing every day. Here are 3 great ways you can help make practice feel refreshing, exciting, and new for your child.

#1 – Find Sheet Music for Songs They Like

One of the best ways to help children get more engaged in their music lessons is to help them find sheet music for songs they’re interested in. There are many beginner-friendly adaptations of popular songs your kids might know fr...

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Surprising Benefits of Learning the Violin

There are so many benefits of learning the violin for children, like building confidence, learning important life skills, and boosting academic performance at school. But there are some other surprising benefits of music lessons! Today I’m going to share 3 of the most unique ones I’ve found.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin in a way t...

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How to Buy a Violin Without Spending a Fortune

There is something so special about buying a violin for your child so they can learn to light the world through music! But at the same time, it can feel confusing and nerve-wracking if you don’t know how to find the right one. I know that a violin can be a big investment, so I’d like to share my top buying tips and things to look for when buying your first violin for your child. 


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to ...

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5 Things to Consider When Looking for a Violin Teacher for Your Child

When it comes to learning a new instrument, nothing will make a bigger difference in your musical experience than your teacher. A great teacher is worth their weight in gold! 


The good news is, you don’t have to spend a fortune to have your child work with an AMAZING teacher. Today I’m going to share with you the essential 5 things to look for in a violin teacher, as well as questions to ask to help you feel confident in the process of choosing one for your child.


Hi, I'm Melodie with th...

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The Power of Listening

There are so many foundational skills to learning an instrument, and listening is one of them. We practice listening exercises to train the musical ear and to be able to play the violin in tune, but there is so much more to listening than you might think.


Today we're going to talk about aspects of listening that will improve your child’s performance at learning the violin. I bet you won't have thought of the third one I'm going to share!


In case you’re new here, hello! I'm Melodie with t...

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