Parent Nugget:🎻 Transitions! 🎻


Too often we wait until we are completely depleted to "sharpen the saw".   One key to sustaining high energy, brain clarity, and motivation throughout the day is to be intentional about transitions.  

Key tips:

  • Set a timer for 50 minutes.  When it goes off, stop whatever you are doing and take a break.
  • Breathing, drinking, eating, and stretching in regular intervals can keep your energy levels high throughout the day.
  • Put yourself first, then you will have something to give your children.
  • ...
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Parent Nugget:🎻 Celebrate Your Wins! 🎻


It's always easy to find the things that we need to work on and improve.  But when we acknowledge the wins and the things we are accomplishing, it opens the door for even more wins and more accomplishment!

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How to know how much to practice?


This great perspective came up when we asked for feedback on the app.  What if we aren't able to get through all the practice material every day?  How much is enough to practice?  How much is too much?  Miss Melodie helps break down the principles for how to make it work for your family!

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Parent Tip Tuesday: 🎻 Starting is a SUPERPOWER! 🎻


Sometimes as parents and students, all we have to do is START!  That gets the motivation wheel moving for greater progress.

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