The bow hold is an important part of learning to play the violin. Correct bow holds can produce beautiful tone, ease, and agility to playing. Â It also can create different colors & emotion. Today we will learn about various bow holds and tips on how to create a bow hold that will set you up for success.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin,...
If you think you’d like your child to take violin lessons, it might be a good idea to help them find out more about the violin. You can do many things together to help prepare your child to start lessons.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achie...
There are many benefits to music and how it can affect our lives. Today we will discuss how music can impact our emotions.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.
Many studies have been conducted on how music can affect our emotions,...
 Practicing the violin is important, and our app makes it simple. Today I’d love to share more about the app and why we created it.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.
Not only am I a violin teacher, I ...
If you’re thinking about starting classical violin lessons for your child, but you’re wondering if that’s the right choice, I’d love to share the many ways that learning the violin can benefit your child! A little-known fact is that classical violin lessons can help your child with their physical, mental, and social well-being.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping childre...
So, you’ve purchased a violin, and your child is taking lessons. Today I want to help you take the proper steps to care for your new instrument so it can last as long as your child needs it.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.
Is My Child Old Enough To Take Violin Lessons?
If you’re reading this, you would love for your child to start learning the violin, however, you’re unsure what age is a good starting point. How young is too young? And is there really an ideal age to get started?
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learn...
“Muscle memory” is a term that’s often used in a figurative sense to refer to something as a reflex, but have you ever wondered where that term originated? Today I wanted to share about what muscle memory is in a literal sense, and show the wonderful role it plays when it comes to playing the violin.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, whi...
Learning to play the violin has many long-term benefits. It helps them learn problem-solving, increases their confidence, boosts their academic performance, and inspires their love of music.
Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.
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